Windows 7 Java 64 Bit

Saturday, December 26, 2009 ·

Something that still causes a lot of trouble on many Windows 7 x64 machines is Java. Java is needed for all those cool web 2.0 applications, but it’s also a resource hog and is often causing a very high CPU load, therefore many people deactive it completely. Nonetheless, it’s an important download.

Download Windows 7 64-bit

The JDK includes a 64-bit plugin for Windows. The JRE does not include this plugin, so you will have to download this large file.

Windows x64 self-extracting JDK file

Java Windows 7 64bit JDK 6u18, 64.79 MB

MD5 Checksum
MD5 (jdk-6u18-ea-bin-b05-windows-amd64-18_nov_2009.exe) = 56b37cda73413b35b2d666937e5874d0

How can I check what Java is installed on my PC?

There’s a very easy way to do that and you can also find out weather you are already running Java 64-bit or not.

Go to the website: Java Check Website

What is Java 64-bit needed for?
Answer: For a 64-bit browser.

Yes, you can run Java 32-bit on your x64 Windows 7 system, but if you download and install Java 64-bit, you can also run any 64-bit browser. Firefox for example offers a 64-bit browser for Windows 7 x64. By default, Windows 7 includes a x32 and x64 edition of the Internet Explorer 8.

IE8 64-bit location:
IE8 32-bit: C:/Program Files (x86)/Internet Explorer/
IE8 64-bit: C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/

Firefox 64-bit download:

Download Firefox x64


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